
The differences between FR4 CTI200 and FR4 CTI600

When it comes to choosing the right materials for your electrical applications, understanding the differences between various types of materials is crucial. One such comparison is between FR4 CTI200 and CTI600. Both are popular choices for printed circuit boards and other electronic components, but there are significant differences that can impact the overall performance and safety of your application.

To begin with, FR4 is a type of flame-retardant material that is commonly used in the production of printed circuit boards. CTI, or Comparative Tracking Index, is a measure of the electrical breakdown resistance of an insulating material. It is a crucial factor in determining the safety and reliability of electrical components. The CTI rating of a material indicates its ability to resist electrical tracking, or the formation of conductive paths on the surface of the material due to electrical stress.


The main difference between FR4 CTI200 and FR4 CTI600 lies in their respective CTI ratings. CTI200 is rated for a comparative tracking index of 200 , while CTI600 is rated for a comparative tracking index of 600 or above. This means that CTI600 has a higher resistance to electrical breakdown and tracking compared to CTI200. In practical terms, this means that CTI600 is better suited for applications where higher electrical insulation and safety are critical.

In addition, the higher CTI rating of CTI600 makes it more suitable for applications where the material will be subjected to higher electrical stress or contamination. A higher CTI rating indicates a greater resistance to the formation of conductive paths on the surface of the material, which can be especially important in high-voltage applications or in environments where contamination is a concern.

Another important factor to consider when comparing FR4 CTI200 and CTI600 is their respective thermal properties. CTI600 typically has better thermal performance compared to CTI200, making it a better choice for applications where heat dissipation is a concern. This can be especially important in high-power applications or in environments where the material will be subjected to high temperatures.

It is important to note that while CTI600 offers superior electrical insulation and thermal performance compared to CTI200, it may also come with a higher cost. It is important to weigh the performance benefits of CTI600 against the potential increase in material costs when making a decision for your application.

In conclusion, the difference between FR4 CTI200 and CTI600 lies in their respective CTI ratings and thermal properties. While both are suitable for printed circuit board applications, CTI600 offers superior electrical insulation and thermal performance compared to CTI200. When deciding between the two, it is important to consider the specific requirements of your application and the potential cost implications of using CTI600. Ultimately, choosing the right material can have a significant impact on the performance and safety of your electronic components.

If you still have questions for FR4 CTI200 and CTI600,please dont hesitate to contact with us.

Jiujiang Xinxing Insulation material Co.,Ltd,the experts in insulation laminates.

Post time: Dec-04-2023